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Dues Payment Method


If updating or removing your payment method, you must update your Saved Payment first to attach to your Automatic Dues agreement. Go to the My Account tab, then Saved Payment Options.  See the Update Saved Payment article.

  1. Log into your portal account.
  2. Click the profile icon in the top-right of the screen, then click "My Profile." 
  3. Click the header labeled “Membership.”
  4. Click the name of your membership - Professional Educators of North Carolina (NOT the Renew button).
    1. In the Billing Information Section, (you may need to scroll toward the bottom of the page if there are a lot of fields) you can check or uncheck the box to enable or disable your agreement.
    2. Click on the "Click here to update" link to open the Payment Method Options.  Choose the payment method you want to use for your dues.
    3. Click on the Save button.
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